Super Fun Beach Games For Adults

Remember the pure joy of building sandcastles and jumping waves all day as a child? You can recapture that same wonderful feeling during your next beach trip, but this time, without the childhood meltdowns.

Leave the bucket and shovel behind. Instead, ABOVE's handpicked list of beach games for adults offers a fresh way to relive those carefree days. These games promise to turn your next beach adventure into an unforgettable, exhilarating experience.

Whether you're with friends or family, these 10 super fun beach games will help you create lasting memories, bringing out the kid in you while enjoying the best of what the beach has to offer.

A family joyfully building a sandman

10 Exciting Beach Games You’ll Love Playing

Beach Bowling Fun

Beach bowling brings a fresh twist to the classic game, making it perfect for all ages to enjoy under the sun. Instead of the usual bowling alley, you're using the natural beauty of the beach, adding a bit of extra fun to your day in the sand.

  • Start by grabbing an inflatable bowling pin set designed for outdoor activities, along with a beach ball.

  • Choose a flat spot on the beach to create your alley, setting up the pins in the traditional formation.

  • Mark a throwing line at a challenging distance, or adjust it closer or farther depending on the skill level of your players.

Players will take turns rolling the beach ball, aiming to knock down as many pins as possible with each roll. Points are awarded based on how many pins are toppled in each turn, and you can adjust the difficulty by moving the pins and the throwing line closer together for an easier game or farther apart for a tougher challenge.

To keep things interesting, share tips on rolling techniques to help players improve their accuracy. Finally, make it all come together with a thrilling final round to crown the beach bowling champion.

Build Your Own Sandman

Sandman Builder is a fun and imaginative sand game that lets you bring a bit of winter magic to the beach. Picture creating a snowman, but with warm sand instead of snow. It’s a delightful way to get creative while enjoying the sun and surf.

  • Gather your group on a sandy section of the beach and choose the perfect spot for your sandman.

  • Decide whether to split into teams or work together as one.

  • Use buckets, shovels, and other beach tools to shape your sandman's body and head.

Once the basic structure is done, let your creativity shine. Decorate your sandman with seashells, seaweed, sunglasses, and any beach treasures you can find. This is your chance to design a unique sandman that reflects your beach adventure.

Frisbee Golf on the Sand

Frisbee Golf, also known as disc golf, is a fun and laid-back beach game that's perfect for a day in the sun. It combines the strategy of golf with the simple joy of tossing a frisbee, making it an easy yet engaging activity for everyone.

  • The objective is to throw the frisbee and reach the target in the fewest throws possible, just like in golf.

  • Start by setting up a “course” on the beach using natural landmarks like trees, rocks, or even buckets or marked spots in the sand.

  • Players take turns at each “hole,” aiming to complete the course with the least number of throws.

Each round begins with players standing at a designated tee spot, where they’ll throw their frisbee towards the target. The challenge is to reach the target in as few throws as possible, navigating around any obstacles the beach offers, such as wind or uneven terrain.

As players move from one target to the next, they can adjust their strategy based on wind speed and direction, making each throw more challenging and fun. The player who completes the course with the fewest total throws wins, earning the ultimate beach bragging rights!

Splash & Dash: Water Bucket Relay

The Water Bucket Race is a thrilling beach game that perfectly blends teamwork with a dash of friendly competition. It’s a fantastic way to bond with friends or family while getting everyone involved in a high-energy challenge. This game is ideal for creating memories and adding some excitement to your beach day.

  • Start by dividing everyone into teams, making sure each team has an equal number of players.

  • Set up a starting line and choose a turnaround point, like a large bucket or container, positioned at a specific distance down the beach.

  • Equip each team with a small bucket filled with water at the beginning of the race.

The excitement kicks off as each team member races to the turnaround point, carefully pours their water into the designated container, and then hurries back to tag the next teammate. It’s a fast-paced relay that tests both speed and precision.

The race continues until every team member has completed their leg of the course. The team that finishes first with the most water in their container wins, making this game a fantastic way to bring out the competitive spirit and teamwork on your beach day.

Crab Soccer Madness

Crab Soccer is a hilarious and engaging beach game that puts a fun twist on the classic sport. It’s a perfect way to enjoy the sun and sand while sharing plenty of laughs with friends or family. With a few rule variations, this game is sure to be a memorable highlight of your beach day.

  • Start by dividing everyone into two teams and setting up a play area on the sand.

  • Each player must crawl around the field on their hands and feet, with their belly facing up, imitating a crab.

  • The objective is to kick the soccer ball into the opposing team’s goal using only your feet and legs, all while staying in the crab position.

The challenge lies in the coordination and teamwork required to score and defend while moving in the crab stance. It’s a workout and a laugh all in one as players try to navigate the sand and control the ball with their legs.

As the game progresses, the competition heats up, with each team striving to outscore the other. By the end of the match, the team with the most goals wins, making Crab Soccer an unforgettable and fun-filled activity for everyone involved.

Water Balloon Volleyball Showdown

Water Balloon Volleyball is an incredibly fun and refreshing twist on the classic volleyball game, perfect for cooling off on a hot beach day. This beach game for adults brings a splash of excitement that makes it a must-try for your next seaside outing.

  • To get started, set up a beach volleyball net and grab a bunch of water balloons.

  • Divide the players into two teams, with each team taking their positions on opposite sides of the net.

  • The game begins when the first team serves the water balloon over the net, and both teams try to keep it in play, hitting it back and forth.

The challenge lies in keeping the balloon from bursting, adding a layer of strategy and fun to the game. The team that manages to keep the balloon in play the longest, scoring more points than their opponents, wins. Water Balloon Volleyball combines the excitement of traditional volleyball with the thrill of getting splashed, making it a favorite for those looking to add some wet and wild fun to their beach day.

Beach Dodgeball Battle

Dodgeball is a thrilling and action-packed beach game that brings out the competitive spirit in adults looking for a bit of excitement. It's a game full of energy, perfect for those who love a good challenge and enjoy a bit of friendly rivalry by the shore. To get started, follow these steps:

  • Start by dividing everyone into two teams and drawing a line on the beach to mark the halves for each team.

  • You’ll need a soft, inflatable ball that’s easy to throw and catch on the sand.

  • The goal is to eliminate players on the opposing team by hitting them with the ball, while they dodge, duck, and weave to avoid getting hit.

As the game heats up, players will be zigzagging and dancing around the sand, trying to avoid incoming shots while looking for the perfect moment to strike back. The fast-paced action and competitive edge make beach dodgeball a favorite for those seeking a fun and intense game by the water.

Tube Jousting Challenge

Tube Jousting is a beach game that combines friendly competition with the thrill of balancing on inflatable tubes. It's a game that brings out the fun in challenging yourself and others, all while floating in the comfort of pool tubes. This activity is perfect for those who love a bit of strategy and a lot of laughs by the water. To get started, follow these steps:

  • Gather inflatable tubes like the Beach Patrol from ABOVE and foam noodles for each participant.

  • Team up, with each player taking their place on an inflated tube, armed with a pool noodle in hand.

  • The objective is to knock your opponent off their tube using the foam noodle while keeping your balance.

In Tube Jousting, players face off at the water's edge, using their noodles to jostle, dodge, and outmaneuver their opponents. It’s a game that requires a mix of balance, strategy, and a good sense of humor. The winner of each round is the player who can successfully knock their opponent off the tube and remain the last person standing.

For safety, make sure to play Tube Jousting in a calm area of the water, so competitors who fall off their tubes can easily stand. This ensures everyone has a fun and safe experience while enjoying this exciting beach game.

Limbo with a Beachy Twist

Beach Limbo, or "Limbo with a View," adds a beautiful twist to the classic limbo dance by incorporating the stunning backdrop of the ocean or shore. It’s not just about bending backward; it’s about enjoying the view and having fun with friends in a picturesque setting. This game is perfect for adding a bit of competitive fun to your beach day.

  • Start by tying a limbo stick or rope between two volunteers at a comfortable height.

  • Players take turns trying to limbo under the stick without touching it or falling over.

  • Success is determined by a smooth glide under the stick, with no contact or stumbles.

The magic of Limbo with a View lies in the breathtaking beach setting, which adds both a challenge and a sense of wonder to the game. Encourage players to get creative with their limbo moves, bending backward while taking in the beautiful scenery behind them. This game is a delightful way to combine fun, competition, and the natural beauty of the beach.

Marcopolo Tube Race Adventure

The Marco Polo Tube Race is an exciting twist on the classic Marco Polo pool game, making it one of the best beach party games around. It adds a new level of fun by taking the game to the water with players riding on inflatable floats. This version is perfect for those who want to bring a playful challenge to their beach day. To play, follow these steps:

  • Choose one player to be "Marco Polo" while the others become the "fugitives."

  • Fugitives sit on inflatable tubes and spread out from Marco Polo, who stays in the center without a float.

  • The game is played with eyes closed or blindfolded, with Marco trying to catch the fugitives by calling out "Marco" while the others respond with "Polo."

In this version of the game, Marco must rely on sound and instinct to locate the fugitives, who are floating away and trying to avoid capture. The combination of balance on the tubes and the challenge of moving without sight adds a thrilling element to the game, making it a favorite at any beach party. The game ends when Marco successfully tags one of the fugitives, who then becomes the new Marco.


Exploring these top beach games for adults will ensure you and your friends experience unforgettable joy on your next beach outing. Whether you're a competitive spirit diving into a game of Frisbee Golf or someone who enjoys the laid-back creativity of building sandmen, there's a perfect activity for every beach lover.

Make your beach day truly memorable by bringing your peers and family together with these exciting and fun-filled games. Each one is designed to add a splash of excitement and bonding to your time by the shore.


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